Spring cohort 2024 See all the mentors

GDG Academy

The Academy is a global community for university students. The goal is to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real world experties in the tech industry, thanks to an eccellent mentors lineup.

The GDG Academy mission

GDG Academy is a mentorship program that bridges the gap between academic knowledge and real-world expertise, and brings together students from different universities to learn from each other and from experienced professionals. Our program matches students with mentors who are experts in their field, and who can provide them with guidance, support, and networking opportunities. We are committed to helping students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen fields.

Product screenshot
Access to mentors -
Provide students with access to real-world expertise and mentorship opportunities.
Grow together -
Create a community where students can feel connected and supported.
Internship opportunities -
Exclusive opportunities for internships, depending on location.

In collaboration with the following universities

Imperial College LondonKing's College LondonLondon School of Economics
University of WestminsterLondon Metropolitan UniversityUniversity of Manchester
University of BristolUniversity of NorthamptonAnglia Ruskin University Cambridge
University of GlasgowUniversity of Strathclyde

The Mentors

Meet our mentors!

Stefano Le Pera
Stefano Le Pera
Engineering Manager
The Times
LinkedIn Profile

As an Engineering Manager at The Times, I oversee and manage all engineering teams in Times Media, across three different domains: web, mobile, and platform. With over 18 years of experience in the tech industry, I have developed and implemented career development plans, revamped the interview process, and provided regular feedback and coaching to engineers, helping them grow their skills and careers.

Mentor: 1 / 35

The Experience

Here's what some of the students say about us

“I've learnt a lot from my mentor that helped me better understand how I can shape my path for the future. The Software Engineering Internship at The Times from the GDG Academy gave me the perfect exposure to working with a great team.”

MEng CS @Imperial College
The Times

“Thanks to my mentor for sharing their stories with me and giving me advice during the mentorship program.”

BEng EIE @Imperial College

“The discussion I had with my mentor was truly invaluable to me, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from someone as experienced and knowledgeable as them.”

BEng EIE @Imperial College

“I gained a much better understanding of what to expect working in tech and your introduction to cloud systems has really broadened my horizons in terms of what I’d potentially like to go into in the future.”

MEng EIE @Imperial College

“I’ve been able to discover so much about the tech industry through the many chats I’ve had with my mentor; these have helped me gain a deeper understanding of how I could break into tech even without a proper programming background.”

MSci Physics @Imperial College

Join us to be updated!

The Spring cohort is due to start on the 13th of February in London.

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